Monday, October 15, 2007

First Concert on Tour-Cleveland Orchestra

We started our tour today in Washington D.C.'s Kennedy Center. The program was an early Mozart symphony, a piece by minimalist composer John Adams, called "A Guide to Strange Places" ( It should have been called a "Guide to a Strange Piece!) Anyway, the audience loved it. The concert ended with Tchaikovsky's famous Symphony #6, the "Pathetique) Kennedy Center's acoustics are not the greatest but it was a good concert and the audience was pleased. Tomorrow we head to the holy grail of concert halls, Carnegie Hall in New York, where we have 3 concerts. I'll report on that in a few days. Ohio senator Sherrod Brown arranged a tour for orchestra members of the Capitol Building, which was really interesting. We saw the senate in session, where a bill extending the "No call list" legislation was presented, which of course is of interest to realtors. The rotunda was particularly impressive, where JFK lay in state so long ago. I would highly recommend visiting it. Have a good day tommorow!

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